Thursday, April 13, 2017

Nostalgic person-blog2-XY-04/13/17

          Today I want to talk a food brand “Post”, because I just finish one box, in our life, almost every day we eat cereal. I eat the cereal of this brand for almost 8 years, the flavor I only love is Honey Bunches with Almonds, and I never want to change to other flavor, I remember when I in college our dining hall do not have oats of this brand, I have to try other, but no like. For other flavor of this brand I never want to try, I do not know why. 

         My best friend told me if she goes to some restaurant and find some tasty food, she wants to try other food in this restaurant, but for me, if I find some tasty, I will only eat this every time. I found this oat when the first time I came to America, I live in homestay, and my home mother give me this and cold milk, told us this is our breakfast, I feel so confused that why have people drink cold milk. China do not have this kind of cereal and no body drink cold milk. However, the interesting thing is I am fallen in love with this cereal. 

           Such us my perfume, I use that perfume when I was high school student, I have try other perfume in mall, I think a lot of perfume is smell really good, but I never want to change my perfume. The kettle which I use in college is my favorite too, after I graduate I back China, and have a work. when I come to America again I try to find the same one for long time, I finally find one.
           In my life there are so many things I use for long time, if this run out or broken I will buy a same one, if cannot find a same one I will feel really bad, I love all the things I use, I pay my emotion on those things, I can say I am a person who stay in the before, or I can say I am a person who is single-mind. I know is not all the people like me, but I still always have a good impression on people who are nostalgic.

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