Thursday, April 13, 2017

Coincidentia oppositorum BLOG 2 AR 4/13/17

Blog Entry 2  AR 4/13/17

Coincidentia oppositorum is a Latin phrase meaning coincidence (simultaneity) of opposites.

opposites occurring together

a revelation of the oneness of things previously believed to be different

unity within their duality

day does not exist unless there is night, one necessitates the other

polarity underlies the dynamics of the psyche

Carl Jung concluded that the “Self” is a coincidentia oppositorum, and that each individual must strive to integrate opposing tendencies (anima and animus, persona and shadow) within his or her own psyche*

Over the last week, I marveled about archetypal journey we embarked on. Many of us, if not all, expressed during the post-meditation presentations the eternal inner conflict of opposites, attempting to coexist peacefully within. The beast has many faces. It was reassuring to see we all go through a similar process. I read it as another sign of all of us being part of higher Self and Oneness. It is soothing to experience that through a ritual of creative self-expression.

Along the same lines, I was deeply moved by the feedback of all of you to the Yellow expression. I took a picture of the notes to memorize it - we spoke with one voice, threading the group narrative, human narrative. Thank you for that experience!

I was further musing on the Yellow, and its relation to Red. The Black came out in the meditation as a cold, damp dungeon made of the matter of fear. The warm rays of sun were outside, warm, hopeful, curious, energizing.
I feel thorn between the black dungeon and the yellow sun.

Some synchronicities happened during the week. I felt both revelation and devastation. Due to the devastation, I can find no poem in me right now. I feel exhausted. 

* found these nuggets of wisdom on:


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