Thursday, April 20, 2017

Credo In Unum Deum - I believe in One God BLOG 3 AR 4/20/17

Credo In Unum Deum -  I believe in One God. Blog 3 AR 4/20/17

Yellow. Yellow it is.

I have not seen or heard any other colors this week, quite synesthetically speaking, no other colors at all. I think white intentionally, I feel nothing. Green, blue, brown, nothing. No heat, no relation, no meaning. It’s only yellow and its energy, its message. Warmth, energy, hope, curiosity, connection, well-being. Blog-wise speaking, I’m obsessed!

Yellow Porsche outside the building. Sliced mango. Freddie Mercury live on stage in his yellow jacket (youtube). My mother calling me “Sloneczko” since always, “Little Sunshine” in Polish. I just remembered I once wanted to get a sun tattoo (never dared). Balinese statue of standing Buddha in a yellow robe on my table. Sunny days. Child’s smile.

My yellow has two background companions, red and black. There was this black dungeon from the group meditation we had, damp and cold. The sunshine rays, warmth and energy were outside. The dense matter of black dungeon was made of my fear. Two polarities.

Yellow as positive experience. Black as fear.

I somewhat (reluctantly, that is) understand it is up to me to dissolve the black fear. I’m sure it is there for a reason though. It seems like it is a physical extension of me, my protection and my prison.
As the other symbol, horse, symbolizes for me emotional freedom and aliveness, yellow (outside of the black dungeon) is a way to feel free and alive. But, there is a dungeon.

The fear says something like:

Am I who I think I am?

Am I constructing who I am, instead of being?

Therefore, do I participate in life?

Or wait in a waiting room? Live on a brim of life?

What if I won’t like what I see?

If I am myself, what if they reject me again?

Better to follow social rules? Is it still being alive? Or just being conventional?

But conventional / ordinary can be good. Jung kept ordinary life while he was searching inward (thank you Amy from ARAS!) One can’t just “fly away” into ethereal plane! I need to stay grounded, yet venture forth.

Yellow is connection. Yellow is hope. No matter how big pain or fear, as long as we are alive there is hope, things can get better. Sun will shine again.

Maybe the dungeon is like introversion, yellow like extroversion. Maybe they can coexist. Maybe there is no need to completely forsake the dungeon, leave it forever. Maybe it can be there for me as a protective place I can hide in when I need to be alone. Maybe I can leave when I want to. Be in harmony with my nature, with the world. Maybe yellow and black can coexist. Just whole. Inward and outward I go! Credo In Unum Deum.

The ARAS visit brought amplification of the sacred process. The wealth of resources on archetypes there, the atmosphere of the place!

From the notes I took there:

The images know. We don’t know what they know. Images move us when they’re archetypal.  They can change us. They have memory from the beginning. They’re eternal, universal.

I got hooked there on a book, and it was not about yellow. “A Critical Dictionary of Jungian Analysis”. I copied and glued some excerpts into the journal. On synchronicities, Unus Mundus, Self, transcendence.

I was also thinking about what Johnson wrote in his book "Inner Work", about neurosis, actualization and enlightenment:

If we don't go to the spirit, the spirit comes to us as neurosis.
Voluntarily or involuntarily, the inner world will claim us and exact its dues.

Actualizing of the blueprint. 
In most of us, only a small portion of this storehouse of raw energy has been assimilated into the conscious personality. Only a small part of the original blueprint has been actualized at the conscious level. 

Credo Unum Deum: I believe in One God.

Enlightenment – essential unity of the human psyche most religions and philosophies have referred to. 

Maybe we could discuss it in the group, I hope. I find it fascinating.


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