Friday, May 5, 2017

Thank You Mandala & Final Blog Post JAL 5/5/17

Dr. Athan,

I just wanted to share with you what a true gift is was to have been able to take this class with you. I feel as though I have truly begun the journey towards reintegration following my time here in NY and at TC. It was so gratifying to have words and works given to the concepts that I have been dancing around with for the last 7 years. It has also allowed me to figure out what I need to do to have my next steps continue to place me on the path to wholeness.

I think I have yet to process the profound sense of loss that this material has brought up for me. It seems as though something must be lost in order for their to be a true transition into the new self. I have yet to figure out how to process that loss but I do know that this class has frequently made me cry and begin to truly mourn. I think in doing that I am beginning to release some of the pain of the loss and making way for something better.

I cannot thank you enough for providing a space of communitas and sacredness here at TC and pushing me one step closer to my journey to Santa Barbara and hopefully to become a part of the Pacifica community.

In true blue fashion, I found my parting mandala in the Blue Mountains of VA and my final object was given to me there as well. I was presented with a new journal as a gift from the hotel I was staying at in the Blue Mountains. It is covered in the same material as the very first book that I bound in high school but of course my high school journal was blue this one is neon green. This was meaningful to me because neon green was the color that I imagined during our guided visualization sending back and forward to my family in order for them to heal.

In closing, I wanted to leave you with the meaning of the tarot card I pulled for today as I thought it was totally appropriate for our class this day.

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